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Carrot Juice Powder(carrot juice powder bulk)

产品名称: 胡萝卜汁粉
植物学名:Daucus carota L.
规格: 10% 胡萝卜素

Carrot Juice Powder(organic carrot juice powder):

Beta-carotene is the molecule that gives carrots their orange color. It is part of a family of chemicals known as carotenoids and is found in many fruits and vegetables and in some animal products such as egg yolks. Most important biologically as a precursor to vitamin A, beta-carotene also has antioxidant properties that may help prevent cancer and other diseases.Beta-carotene is also known as a precursor because it can be converted to vitamin A in our bodies through oxidative cleavage by beta-carotene 15,150-deoxygenase. In plants, beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant that neutralizes the singlet oxygen radicals formed during photosynthesis.


外观 Fine orange yellow powder(carrot juice powder organic)
原材料产地 中国
规格 10% Beta-carotene、10:1
测试方法 UV-vis
活性成分 Beta-carotene
Special information Gluten Free, GMO free, Kosher, Halal
保质期  密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。
包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。
存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。

Carrot juice powder benefits:

  • The beta-carotene in carrot juice powder is an antioxidant and therefore may offer some protection against certain other diseases.
  • The beta-carotene in carrot juice powder is a substance that occurs naturally in green and yellow fruits and vegetables.
  • In the body, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A. Beta-carotene is used as a vitamin supplement to prevent or treat vitamin A deficiency.
  • The beta-carotene in carrot juice powder can help prevent or treat sunlight reactions in certain specific groups of patients.


  • Best carrot juice powder is used in food additives.

In addition to its anti-caries and immunity-boosting effects, Beta-carotene powder is also an important pigment and is recognized as a nutritious food additive. Beta-carotene powder can be used as a synergist for lipid foods such as margarine, salad oil and benna oil, helping beta-carotene powder to be absorbed by the body.

  • Carrot juice concentrate powder​ is used in cosmetics.

The extract of Beta -carotene is rich in amino acids, vitamins, natural wet factor, trace elements and other bioactive substances. Cosmetics (lipstick, powder, etc.) with β-carotene additions show natural and full color and protect the skin.

  • Carrot juice powder is applied in feeding additives.

Beta-carotene powder can improve the growth rate and meat quality of animals, increase the reproductive ability of cattle, horses and pigs, improve the color of red fish and shrimp, and darken the color of bird eggs.

VIGOROUS(our factory):
Carrot Juice Powder(carrot juice powder bulk)

Carrot Juice Powder(carrot juice powder bulk)


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