Rosehips, also known as rose hawthorn, rose flower, are the by-fruits of the rose genus. It is usually red to orange, but varies from deep purple to black in some species. Rosehip extract contains polyphenols and anthocyanins, which are believed to relieve joint inflammation and prevent joint damage. It is also rich in vitamin C and has antioxidant properties. Rosehips Extract is widely used.
产品名称 | 玫瑰果提取物 |
Botanical name | Rosa laevigata |
使用的部件 | Fruit |
Specification | 10:1, 17%Vc |
USA-FDA registration | 14927224674 |
证书 | Organic,Kosher, Halal,ISO9001,ISO22000 |
ISO22000 Status | Certificated ISO22000 |
Irradiation Status | Irradiation free |
存储 | 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。 |
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