Botanical Powder


植物粉末 水溶性产品 其他产品 定制产品


Product name: Glutathione
Other name: r-glutamyl cysteingl +glycine, GSH
CAS No.:70-18-8
Specification: 98%Glutathione
Appearance: off-white powder



Glutathione is a tripeptide consisting of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine combined with sulfhydryl groups, which has antioxidant and integrative detoxification properties. Glutathione have two types, one is L-Glutathione reduced (G-SH) and the other one is L-Glutathione Oxidized (G-S-S-G).  L-Glutathione reduced (G-SH) is more common under physiological conditions. Glutathione is widely found in animals and plants and has an important role in living organisms. Glutathione helps to maintain normal immune system function and has antioxidant effects, and integrative detoxification. The sulfhydryl group on cysteine is its active group (so it is often abbreviated as G-SH), which is easy to bind with certain drugs, toxins, etc., so that it has an integrated detoxification effect. Glutathione can not only be used in drugs, but also as a base for functional foods, which are widely used in functional foods such as aging retardation, immunity enhancement and anti-tumour.

Glutathione also has been widely used in cosmetics and foods etc.

Quick details

外观 Fine off-white powder
原材料产地 中国
CAS No.: 70-18-8
规格 98% Glutathione
Water solubility Very well in water
Certificate ISO22000
保质期  密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。
包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。
存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。


  1. Glutathione can be used for detoxification, binding to a poison or drug and eliminating its toxic effects.
  2. Glutathione can be used as anti-oxidants, removing free radicals from the body.
  3. Glutathione can correct the imbalance of acetylcholine, cholinesterase, play an anti-allergic effect, but also to prevent skin aging and pigmentation, reduce the formation of melanin.
  4. Glutathione can be used as a food additives. Shorten the time to make bread and play a role in strengthening food nutrition and other functions; Be added to yoghurt and baby food, equivalent to vitamin C, plyingthe role of stabiliser; Mixing it into fish cakes can prevent the deepening of colour; Adding it to foods such as meat products and cheese has the effect of enhancing flavour.


Glutathione has been widely used in cosmetics, food, supplement, pharmaceuticals etc.


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