Botanical Powder


植物粉末 水溶性产品 其他产品 定制产品



拉丁名:Cyanotis arachnoidea

Specification: 50%20-Hydroxyecdysone(HPLC);98%Ecdysterone (UV)


特殊信息:无麸质、无转基因 认证:有机、犹太、清真、FDA、ISO9001、ISO22000

Cyanotis Arachnoidea Extract:

Cyanotis arachnoidea, also known as pearl dew grass, ring fat, cockscomb ginseng, etc., is a perennial blue-ear grass of the Comelinaceae family (Comelinaceae). Cyanotis arachnoidea extract ecdysterone not only is beneficial to the health, which helps to stability in the safety of cortisol damage cell, makes energy synthesis (ATP and muscle normalization procedure, and improves liver function and peptide) quickly adapt to the organic physical environment and pressure changes. Ecdysterone is used to improve workability, immune function, weight loss, and low-fat aspects.


产品名称 矢车菊提取物
外观 Brown fine powder
Specification 50%20-Hydroxyecdysone(HPLC);98%Ecdysterone (UV)
原材料产地 中国
使用的部件 Herb
Certification Organic,Kosher, Halal,FDA,ISO
保质期  密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。
包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。
存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。


  1. Cyanotis Arachnoidea Extract may enhance RBC development
  2. It may help regulate blood sugar levels
  3. Cyanotis Arachnoidea Extractmay improve liver function
  4. Ecdysteronemay Increase Protein Synthesis


Cyanotis Arachnoidea Extract is widely used in health and dietary supplement industry.


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