Botanical Powder


植物粉末 水溶性产品 其他产品 定制产品


产品名称: 丁香提取物

植物学名:Syzygium aromaticum





Clove Extract:

Clove is a deciduous shrub or small tree. It is named because the flower tube is slender and fragrant like nails. Famous garden plants. The inflorescence is huge, the flowering is luxuriant, the flower color is elegant, fragrant, the habit is strong, the cultivation is simple, so it is widely cultivated and applied in the garden. The lilac flower The lilac flower plant is 2 to 8 meters high, the leaves are opposite, whole or sometimes split, rarely pinnately compound leaves. The flowers are bisexual, with terminal or lateral panicles. The flower color is purple, lavender or blue-purple, and also white purple-red and blue-purple, mostly white and purple.


外观 Fine brown yellow powder
原材料产地 Northeast of China
使用的部件 Bud
规格 10:1
测试方法 高效液相色谱法
活性成分 Eugenol, b-caryophyllene, humuleno, oleanolicacid
Special information Gluten Free, GMO free, Kosher, Halal
保质期  密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。
包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。
存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。


  • Anti-gastric ulcer: It can inhibit the formation of experimental gastric ulcer in rats. Clove volatile oil and eugenol can significantly increase gastric mucus secretion without increasing acidity. Eugenol may be an active ingredient in anti-ulcer.
  • Invigorate the stomach: it can relieve abdominal bloating, enhance digestion, and relieve nausea and vomiting.
  • Inhibit intestinal excitement: its water decoction can inhibit the spontaneous contraction of the isolated rabbit intestine, and can resist the excitatory effects of acetylcholine and histamine on the isolated intestine.
  • Anti-diarrhea: Its water extract and eugenol can antagonize large intestinal diarrhea and intestinal effusion caused by senna or castor oil.


On the finished supplements market, Clove Extract can be purchased in tablet form, tincture, soft-gel, liquid, capsule and powdered form.


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