Botanical Powder


植物粉末 水溶性产品 其他产品 定制产品


产品名称: 越橘提取物

植物学名:Aronia melanocarpa

规格:15%A 花青素






Chokeberry Extract:

Aronia, also known as black chokeberry, is a deciduous shrub native to eastern North America. In Denmark, Eastern Europe and Russia (especially Siberia), this brightly colored and spicy fruit is popular in the production of juice and even wine. Aronia berries are rich in antioxidants. Aronia berries also have the highest concentration of anthocyanins (pigments), and very high procyanidins (tannins), in addition to many other polyphenols. Aronia berries are used in scientific research because they contain extremely high phytonutrients.


外观 Fine dark red powder
原材料产地 中国
使用的部件 Fruit
规格 15%Anthocyanins
测试方法 高效液相色谱法
活性成分 Anthocyanins
证书 Organic,Kosher, Halal,ISO9001,ISO22000
保质期  密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。
包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。
存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。


Chokeberry (Aronia) is well-known as a potentially powerful antioxidant and is now sold in dietary supplements. It has the following properties:

  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-aging and neurological diseases
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-diabetes
  • Anti-bacterial infection
  • Increasing evidence of anti-fibrocystic disease shows that anthocyanins and anthocyanins may have analgesic effects in addition to neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory activities.


  • It can be used in the food field as a functional food additive in various beverages, liquor and food.
  • It is widely used in health care products to prevent chronic diseases or relieve symptoms of menopause syndrome.
  • Used in cosmetics, widely added to cosmetics, has the function of delaying aging, firming the skin, making the skin more smooth and delicate.


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