Botanical Powder


植物粉末 水溶性产品 其他产品 定制产品


产品名称: 苹果提取物

植物学名:Malus pumila

规格70%P 多酚、4%P 原花青素 B2、80%P 叶绿素




Apple Extract:

Apple Polyphenols is a secondary metabolite produced during the growth of apples. It is a brownish-red powdery substance. A 20% aqueous solution is reddish-brown, and 100% powder is yellowish-brown; both liquid and powdery are slightly Apple flavor, a bit bitter, soluble in water and ethanol, and good stability. Apple polyphenols include a variety of phenolic substances, which can be divided into phenolic acids and their hydroxy acid esters, sugar derivatives and flavonoids (such as catechins, epicatechins, procyanidins, dihydroxychalcone, and flavonoids) Alcohol glycosides, etc.). It has a variety of physiological functions such as scavenging free radicals, anti-oxidation, preventing cancer, lowering blood pressure, preventing heart disease, anti-caries, anti-allergic Chemicalbook, anti-virus, etc. Its antioxidant capacity is 10-30 times that of vitamin E. Since apple polyphenol has the functions of anti-oxidation, deodorization, freshness preservation, fragrance preservation, color protection, and prevention of vitamin loss, it can be used in aquatic products, animal meat products, bread products, oils or foods containing oils in the food industry at present, and cool Drinks, etc., can also be used to maintain the freshness of fish, shrimp and other products, to suppress bad breath in chewing gum, and to dry sausage products. In addition, apple polyphenols also have the effects of weight loss and whitening, and play multiple roles in skin care (such as anti-aging, anti-radiation, whitening, moisturizing, blocking ultraviolet absorption, etc. At present, a variety of anti-aging and anti-aging effects have been developed internationally. Radiant green cosmetics.


外观 Fine red brown powder
原材料产地 中国
使用的部件 Fruit
规格 70%Polyphenols, 4%Procyanidin B2, 80%Phlorizin
活性成分 Polyphenols, Procyanidin B2, Phlorizin
Special information Gluten Free, GMO free, Kosher, Halal, Organic
保质期  密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。
包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。
存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。


  • Since apple extract polyphenols have various health functions such as prevention of hypertension, anti-tumor, anti-aging, anti-mutation, anti-radiation, anti-allergy, anti-caries, and muscle strength, they can be used in the development and production of functional foods to meet people’s demand for food health functions.
  • Apple polyphenols are a class of natural products with unique physiological and chemical activities, with good astringency and adhesion, which can maintain collagen synthesis, inhibit elastase, assist the body to protect collagen and improve skin elasticity, thus avoiding or reducing the generation of wrinkles and keeping the skin appearing delicate appearance. It is usually added to cosmetics, baths, hair dyes, toothpastes, deodorants, etc. as an active ingredient to play multiple roles in anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-radiation, whitening and moisturizing, and has unique effects on skin aging, wrinkles and pigmentation caused by various factors.



As apple extract polyphenols have antioxidant effect, deodorizing effect, freshness preservation, fragrance preservation, color protection, prevention of vitamin loss and other effects, can prevent food quality deterioration, therefore, can be used in aquatic processing, meat processing, bread, pastry, grease, oil-containing food and cool drinks and other processing and manufacturing, can significantly improve their product quality and shelf life. Since apple extract polyphenols have various health functions, such as prevention of dental caries, prevention of hypertension, prevention of allergic reactions, anti-tumor; anti-mutation, blocking ultraviolet absorption and other physiological functions, they can be used in the manufacture of health food and cosmetics. The use of apple extract polyphenol as a health care and functional food additive requires only 50-500PPm to have sufficient efficacy.


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