Botanical Powder


植物粉末 水溶性产品 其他产品 定制产品


产品名称: 针叶樱桃提取物

植物学名:Malpighia glabra





Acerola Cherry extract:

Acerola cherry (Malpighia glabra) is a tropical fruit shrub or small tree in the Malpighiaceae family. Common names include acerola cherry, barbados cherry, acerola and wild crepe peach tree. It is known for being rich in vitamin C, almost as much as camu camu, but it also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, and B3, as well as carotenoids and bioflavonoids, which provide important nutritional value and have antioxidant effects. Vitamin C produced by the fruit can be absorbed by humans better than synthetic ascorbic acid. This fruit is low in saturated fat and sodium, and low in cholesterol. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, riboflavin, folic acid, magnesium, potassium and copper, as well as a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C.


外观 Fine pink powder
原材料产地 中国
使用的部件 Fruit
规格 17%Vc(HPLC);25%Vc(HPLC;Fruit powder
证书 Organic,Kosher, Halal,ISO9001,ISO22000
保质期  密封保存,避免阳光直射,可使用 2 年。
包装 纸桶包装,内有两个塑料袋。净重:25 千克/桶。
存储 存放在密封良好的容器中,避免受潮。


  • Antioxidant effect.It can prevent free radical damage that can accelerate skin aging.
  • It can even out skin tone and brighten skin.
  • It can promote the production of collagen and elastin.


  • Food supplement

Acerola powder is used to help diarrhea, dysentery and liver problems, as well as fight free radicals, and to strengthen the immune system with its high level of vitamin C. It can also be used as a nutrient because it contains many other vitamins and minerals. .

  • Cosmetic ingredients

At least five years ago, acerola cherries first appeared in Japanese skin care products. Niche skin care brands have begun to incorporate it into their facial care products because of its rich vitamin C properties. And it can also be found in hair care and cosmetics.


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