Botanical Powder

Botanisches Pulver

Botanisches Pulver Wasserlösliche Produkte Anderes Produkt Maßgeschneiderte Produkte

Pumpkin Seed Extract

Product name: Pumpkin Seed Extract

Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo

Specification: 10:1

Herkunft der Rohmaterialien: China

Allergene Informationen: Glutenfrei

Besondere Informationen: Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Kosher, Halal

Pumpkin Seed Extract:

Pumpkin seed extract is a balanced source of good protein.The high zinc content in pumpkin seed extract helps in the healing process and is helpful in treating enlarged prostate.It also contains other substances such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, potassium, niacin, folic acid, riboflavin and thiamin, which are of high nutritional value.

Schnelle Details:

Product name Pumpkin Seed Extract
Botanical name Cucurbita pepo
Erscheinungsbild Fine off-white powder
Herkunft der Rohstoffe China
Verwendetes Teil Seed
Spezifikation: 10:1
Besondere Informationen Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Koscher, Halal
Haltbarkeitsdauer  2 Jahre, wenn sie versiegelt und vor direktem Sonnenlicht geschützt gelagert werden.
Packen Verpackt in Papptrommeln und zwei Plastiksäcken im Inneren. Nettogewicht: 25kg/Fass.
Lagerung Bewahre sie in einem gut verschlossenen Behälter auf und schütze sie vor Feuchtigkeit.


  • Pumpkin seed extract can help prevent prostate disease.
  • Pumpkin seed extract has been shown to be useful in treating coughs and sore throats in children.
  • Pumpkinseed extractis also a natural source of magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C.
  • Pumpkin seed extract is also a beauty food and can help moisturize the skin.
  • Pumpkin seedextractcan be used medicinally to help improve intestinal function by removing parasites and worms from the intestinal tract.
  • Pumpkin seed extract has the function of lowering high blood lipids.


  • Pumpkin seed extract can be used as a product for treating malnutrition and prostate, and it is widely used in the health industry.
  • Pumpkin seed extract can be used in beverage, food, dairy products, bread, candy, etc.
  • Pumpkin seed extract is used in cosmetics.


  • Hinzufügen:

    No. A6 Lugu International Industrial Park, 229# West Tongzipo Road, High-Tech Development Zone, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

  • Tel:

    +86 731 8557 4148

    +86 731 8557 4348

    +86 731 8557 4548

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