Botanical Powder

Botanisches Pulver

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Mimosa Pudica Extract

Product name: Mimosa Pudica Extract
Botanical name: Mimosa Pudica
Specification: 10:1
Origin of raw materials:China
Allergene Informationen: Glutenfrei
Besondere Informationen: Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Kosher, Halal

Mimosa Pudica Extract:

Mimosa (scientific name: Mimosa pudica): a perennial herb or subshrub of the legume family, named Mimosa because the leaves react to heat and light and close immediately when touched by an external force. It has a pompom-like shape. It produces pods after flowering, and the fruit is flat and round. The leaves are alternate and palmately arranged in feathery compound leaves

Schnelle Details:

Erscheinungsbild Fine red powder
Herkunft der Rohstoffe China
Verwendetes Teil Root bark
Spezifikation: 10:1
Testmethode /
Wirkstoffe /
Besondere Informationen Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Koscher, Halal
Haltbarkeitsdauer  2 Jahre, wenn sie versiegelt und vor direktem Sonnenlicht geschützt gelagert werden.
Packen Verpackt in Papptrommeln und zwei Plastiksäcken im Inneren. Nettogewicht: 25kg/Fass.
Lagerung Bewahre sie in einem gut verschlossenen Behälter auf und schütze sie vor Feuchtigkeit.


  • Mimosa pudica extract can clear heat and remove toxins;
  • Mimosa pudica extract can resolve phlegm and relieve cough;
  • Mimosa pudica extract can calm the mind and relieve pain.


  • It has cough relieving and weak expectorant effect;
  • It has obvious inhibitory effect on various pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Catalococcus.


  • Hinzufügen:

    No. A6 Lugu International Industrial Park, 229# West Tongzipo Road, High-Tech Development Zone, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

  • Tel:

    +86 731 8557 4148

    +86 731 8557 4348

    +86 731 8557 4548

  • WhatsApp & WeChat:  + 86 182 7333 9686
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