Botanical Powder

Botanisches Pulver

Botanisches Pulver Wasserlösliche Produkte Anderes Produkt Maßgeschneiderte Produkte

Carob Extract

Product name: Carob extract

Botanical name: Ceratonia siliqua

Specification: 10:1

Herkunft der Rohmaterialien: China

Allergene Informationen: Glutenfrei

Besondere Informationen: Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Kosher, Halal

Carob extract:

Carob, commonly known as carob or locust bean, is a flowering evergreen tree in the leguminous family. It is native to the eastern Mediterranean region. Only in Guangzhou in China. Carob beans have many uses. Harvested carob pods take more than a month to dry. Dried carob beans are used as animal feed and snacks. Powdered carob was originally used in the food industry. It has a long history in food and medicine. The mature pods are edible and are often ground into carob powder instead of cocoa powder. Carbeans taste sweet and can be used as a powder, flake or syrupy food ingredient. In medicine, it is used to treat diarrhea, obesity, vomiting and high cholesterol.

Schnelle Details:

Erscheinungsbild Fine brown powder
Herkunft der Rohstoffe China
Verwendetes Teil Seed
Spezifikation: 10:1
Allergen Status Allergen free
Free samples 5-20g
Besondere Informationen Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Koscher, Halal
Haltbarkeitsdauer  2 Jahre, wenn sie versiegelt und vor direktem Sonnenlicht geschützt gelagert werden.
Packen Verpackt in Papptrommeln und zwei Plastiksäcken im Inneren. Nettogewicht: 25kg/Fass.
Lagerung Bewahre sie in einem gut verschlossenen Behälter auf und schütze sie vor Feuchtigkeit.


  • Dried carob can be used as animal feed and snacks.Carob is the only food to replace chocolate. The sugar content of seedless carob pods is as high as 52%, even higher than that of sugar cane. It is the material for making carob molasses.
  • Carob can be used as a concentrated additive in canned meat, canned fish, sauces, jellies, syrups and canned fruits
  • Carob keeps cakes and cookies from fermenting and spoiling. For cake and biscuit integrity, it can be added in place of eggs. Carob beans can replace cocoa and coffee in all foods that contain them.
  • Carob syrup contains three times as much calcium as milk. Because it is rich in vitamin E, it has a very good effect on the treatment of colds and coughs. It can also soften breasts, dispel phlegm and help intestines and stomach work normally.



  • On the health care market, it is used to treat diarrhea, obesity, vomiting and high cholesterol.
  • On the food market, It can be used as animal feed and snacks. Can be used as a concentrated additive in canned food. Prevent cakes and cookies from fermenting and spoiling. Carob can replace cocoa and coffee in all foods that contain cocoa and coffee


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