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Instant Green Tea Powder

Product name: Instant green tea powder

Botanical name: Camellia sinensis

Specification: 20%Polyphenols

Herkunft der Rohmaterialien: China

Allergene Informationen: Glutenfrei

Besondere Informationen: Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Kosher, Halal

Instant Green Tea Powder

Instant Green Tea Powder

Instant green tea powder:

Instant green tea is made of finished green tea, semi-finished green tea, green tea by-products or fresh green tea as raw materials, and processed into a granular or powdery form that is easily soluble in water without green tea residues through the process of extraction, filtration, concentration, and drying. A new type of beverage. The quality characteristics have the flavor of green tea, that is, the soup is yellow and bright, the aroma is fresher, and the taste is strong.

Schnelle Details:

Erscheinungsbild Fine Brown yellow powder
Herkunft der Rohstoffe China
Verwendetes Teil Leaf
Spezifikation: 20%Polyphenols
Testmethode UV
Wirkstoffe Polyphenols
Besondere Informationen Glutenfrei, GVO-frei, Koscher, Halal
Haltbarkeitsdauer  2 Jahre, wenn sie versiegelt und vor direktem Sonnenlicht geschützt gelagert werden.
Packen Verpackt in Papptrommeln und zwei Plastiksäcken im Inneren. Nettogewicht: 25kg/Fass.
Lagerung Bewahre sie in einem gut verschlossenen Behälter auf und schütze sie vor Feuchtigkeit.
Erscheinungsbild Fine Brown yellow powder


The application value of instant green tea powder in medicines and health products has been clinically verified, and the exact pharmacological functions that have been used in medicines and health products:

  •  Improve the immune function of the body and delay the   aging of the human body
  •  Anti-tumor, anti-mutation, anti-radiation
  •  Enhance the toughness and permeability of capillaries,   and enhance the resistance of blood vessels


  •  Instant green tea powder can be applied in health care products and beverage.


  • Hinzufügen:

    No. A6 Lugu International Industrial Park, 229# West Tongzipo Road, High-Tech Development Zone, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

  • Tel:

    +86 731 8557 4148

    +86 731 8557 4348

    +86 731 8557 4548

  • WhatsApp & WeChat:  + 86 182 7333 9686
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